Rib Family
Rib family
The rib family is generated from the forequarter of the carcass after the removal of the chuck, foreshank, brisket and short plate.
The rib/chuck separation is made between the 5th and 6th rib. The rib/loin separation is made between the 12th and 13th rib with the 13th rib attached to the loin. Purchasers may discuss fat trim and weight ranges with the supplier.

The primal rib is generated from the forequarter of the carcass after the removal of the chuck, brisket, foreshank and short plate. The primal rib contains rib bones, vertebrae and blade bone cartilage.

Oven prepared rib
The oven-prepared beef rib is generated from the primal rib. This cut has the short ribs, the blade bone and associated cartilage removed.
The chine bones are removed along the spinal canal completely separating the ribs from the feather bones.

Roast ready rib
The roast-ready rib is generated from the oven-prepared rib that has had the blade bone, blade meat and associated muscles removed.
The fat cover that is separated from the cut to remove the blade meat is replaced and secured by a net.

Blade meat
Blade meat is generated from the oven prepared rib.
This cut consists of the muscles that lie below the surface fat cover and surrounding the blade bone cartilage of the oven-prepared rib. All bones and associated cartilage are removed and this cut is trimmed practically free of fat.

Ribeye lip-on bone-in
The bone-in, lip-on ribeye, also known as the export rib, is generated from the oven prepared rib. It is similar to the roast-ready rib with the blade meat, chine bones and feather bones removed. The rib bones remain firmly attached. Tail length may be discussed with the supplier.

Ribeye lip-on
The lip-on ribeye is generated from the oven-prepared rib with the chine bones, feather bones, rib bones and blade meat removed. The lip or muscle system and associated fat that lies on the short plate side of the cut remains attached and is trimmed to a specified Measurement from the ribeye muscle

Ribeye roll lip-off
The ribeye roll is generated from the ribeye, lip-on. The lip or muscle system and associated fat that lies on the short plate side of the cut is Removed.